Photo credits to: Myths

What can you say about this image?
"A dog and a cat kissing..."

Anything else? What about that green stuff above those creatures? C'mon, guess what it is! Maybe you've already heard that kissing under this plant will bestow fertility or perhaps the power of this at Christmas and the custom of plucking a berry every time a kiss was stolen beneath this plant.

Do you recognize it now?
Did I hear you say "Mistletoe"?
Yea! You got it right. :)

Photo credits to : Mistletoe

Did you know that this plant is poisonous? O____O

Mistletoe is one of the plants that contain toxins and can cause diseases. One the several species of Mistletoe, Phoradendron, contain phoratoxin which can cause blurred vision, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, blood pressure changes and death. To know more about Mistletoe poisoning, visit this site: Mistletoe toxicity

Enough with the trivia! =) Speaking of toxins, here's the standard symbol  assigned by EU which indicates danger and impending harm.

                                               Photo credits to:Toxic symbol
Toxicology is the study of the adverse effects of toxins, poisons and chemicals on living organisms. There are five divisions of toxicology, namely: Drug Abuse Screening, Emergency Toxicology, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Industrial Toxicology and Forensic Toxicology.

  • This includes substances of abuse. Drugs that are included are addictive and may lead to dependence. They are harmful and detrimental to the body.
  • The most substances of abuse are cigarettes and alcohol.

                                     Photo credits to: Effects of Alcohol Abuse and Treatment

  • deals with overdosage of drugs
  • Salicylate poisoning among children is the most common cause of over dosage.  Acetylsalicylate is the active metabolit of Aspirin. This may destroy hepatocytes or liver cells if taken too much in the body. To know more, you may visit this page:  Salicylate poisoning

Effects of Salicylate Poisoning

Photo Credits: Aspirin effects

Photo credits to: TDM

  • individualized system
  • deals with the dosage of drug which is beneficial to the patient. The goal of TDM is to achieve the therapeutic range which is the concentration of a drug that could make a patient well and may not cause toxicity.
  • This determines subtherapeutic concentration which has no effect because the concentration is low and the therapeutic concentration is the beneficial or effective dosage that cures the patient. Toxic concentration, however, produces harmful effects and may be lethal and cause death.
  • Half Life of Drugs

  • deals with industrial products
  • The most common are pesticides and insectides.

Some Pesticides are harmful and now suspected as endocrine disruptors. Here's the list of Pesticides and their harmful effects:  Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals


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Jena Isle said...

Great post, interesting and rich in content. K.I.U.

KvnMorales said...

Thank you po Ma'am :)

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